Case Studies

Our partners help make Neelyx Labs who we are.

Our testing and laboratory partners help us expand the community reach and the technical possibilities for our high-quality testing services and innovative clinical research.

We value each partner and the amazing achievements we are able to accomplish together.

Learn more about three of our valued partners and how we have collaborated to serve our community and develop new diagnostic solutions together.

Lake Forest Academy

Serving over 400 LFA students with regular COVID-19 testing throughout the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years through a customized testing program with white-glove service, rapid result times, and a close connection to the laboratory.

Wellness Home

Offering same-day MPOX testing since the start of the outbreak (one of the first labs in the country to do so) through partnership with Wellness Home. Preventing the spread of MPOX and minimizing uncertainty around the new illness.


Utilizing our scientific know-how and research experience to bring the XDive, the fastest real-time qPCR instrument on the planet, to clinical practice. Bridging the XDive to other testing methods, like SalivaDirect, to expand its possibilities for clinical use.